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Welcome to the South Carolina Secretary of State's Online Charitable Solicitation Complaint Form

Contact Information of Charitable Organization/Person

date_range access_time
date_range access_time
date_range access_time
date_range access_time
date_range access_time
Example: 803-123-1234 date_range access_time
date_range access_time
date_range access_time

Charitable Solicitation Complaint Details

Examples: 4/18/2017, April 2017, or Unknown date_range access_time
Example: 9:30 am, Afternoon, or Unknown date_range access_time
date_range access_time

If telephone or email solicitation, please list the recipient’s telephone number or email address. If online solicitation, please list website address where solicitation occurred.

Please provide a summary of your complaint, and upload additional pages if necessary. If you have a copy of the solicitation, such as a letter, an email, or a flyer, please upload it to this form.

Uploaded Files:
Did you donate or pledge to donate? *

Are you aware of any other actions that have been taken to attempt to resolve this complaint, either within the organization itself or by law enforcement or another agency? If so, please provide a summary of such action and upload additional pages.

Uploaded Files: